Yoke and Collar Assembly
The IOTV Gen II yoke and collar assembly was initially the same as the Gen I yoke and collar assembly except that ballistic inserts are not removable.

The yoke and collar assembly was totally redesigned as follows:
- The front collar extends over the shoulder.
- The rear collar does not extend over the shoulders.
- Both assemblies are available in 8 sizes, and in OCP as well as in UCP.
- early model, UCP
- X-Small: 8470-01-564-2479
- Small: 8470-01-564-2526
- Medium: 8470-01-564-2532
- Large: 8470-01-564-2544
- X-Large: 8470-01-564-2550
- XX-Large: 8470-01-564-2560
- 3X-Large: 8470-01-564-3972
- 4X-Large: 8470-01-564-3982
- redesigned model
- Front, UCP
- X-Small: 8470-01-582-1007
- Small: 8470-01-582-1011
- Medium: 8470-01-582-1027
- Large: 8470-01-582-1044
- X-Large: 8470-01-582-1055
- XX-Large: 8470-01-582-1398
- 3X-Large: 8470-01-582-1408
- 4X-Large: 8470-01-582-1447
- Front, OCP
- X-Small: 8470-01-584-0742
- Small: 8470-01-584-0743
- Medium: 8470-01-584-0745
- Large: 8470-01-584-0746
- X-Large: 8470-01-584-0747
- XX-Large: 8470-01-584-0748
- 3X-Large: 8470-01-584-0749
- 4X-Large: 8470-01-584-0750
- Back, UCP
- X-Small: 8470-01-582-0613
- Small: 8470-01-582-0617
- Medium: 8470-01-582-0640
- Large: 8470-01-582-0642
- X-Large: 8470-01-582-0644
- XX-Large: 8470-01-582-0650
- 3X-Large: 8470-01-582-0660
- 4X-Large: 8470-01-582-0809
- Back, OCP
- X-Small: 8470-01-586-2358
- Small: 8470-01-586-2438
- Medium: 8470-01-586-2449
- Large: 8470-01-586-2458
- X-Large: 8470-01-586-2536
- XX-Large: 8470-01-586-2539
- 3X-Large: 8470-01-586-2540
- 4X-Large: 8470-01-586-2553
- Front, UCP