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Flame Resistant Organizational Gear

Due to the threat of burn injuries stemming from OIF/OEF, a USON was established that required burn protection for the hands and face/neck. After extensive testing, it was determined that in addition to providing base layer of flame/fire protection, an outer layer of protection is essential.



FROG is broken down into two levels;

  • FROG I:
  • FROG II:
    • All the elements of FROG I and
    • FR Combat Ensemble: Designed to closely resemble the current Marine Corps Combat Utility Uniform (MCCUU).
      • Shirt: Torso made of lightweight FR material, moisture wicking, and anti-microbial properties. Sleeves are FR and contain sleeve pockets.
      • Trousers: Similar to the current MCCUU trousers, these trousers have a calf pocket that aides the wearer in quickly identifying FR from non-FR versions.
    • Inclement Weather Combat Shirt
    • The flight suit and CVC suit are also considered FROG II assets.

FROG may be complemented by Flame Resistant (FR) Long Johns (tops and drawers) and Grid Fleece (tops and drawers) as part of a cold weather clothing system.


The Marine Corps selected Potomac Field Gear's Advanced Protective Fabric (APF) clothing:

  • Lightweight Long Sleeve Mock Turtleneck Shirt (MMFR2014 - 008) and
  • Lightweight (MUFR2011 - 008) and
  • Mid Weight (MUFR1011 - 008) Balaclavas with Face Guard

as their first choice for the FROG program. The USMC has selected "Sand" color to designate gear that has fire resistant capabilities.



  • FROG Program Review [2007]
  • FROG APBI [2007][2008][2009][2010][2011]
  • AAFA brief [2008]
  • FROG infopaper @PMICE [2007][2008][2009]