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Individual Load Carrying Equipment (M1956)

The individual load carrying equipment (ILCE) is intended for use in hot, temperate, and cold-wet regions of the world. It is not for use in cold-dry arctic regions.

The ILCE is made up of following items:

M-1956 individual load carrying equipment
  1. Pistol Belt
  2. Combat Field Pack Suspenders
    • MIL-S-40160
    • Regular: 8465-577-4922
    • Long: 8465-577-4923
    • X-Long 8465-823-7231
  3. First Aid Packet / Lensatic Compass Case
  4. Universal Small Arms Ammunition Pouch
  5. Intrenching Tool Carrier
  6. Combat Field Pack
  7. Canteen Cover
  8. Sleeping Bag Carrier

