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Armed Services Textile and Apparel Procurement Agency

On 1 October 1952 the Armed Services Textile and Apparel Procurement Agency (ASTAPA, AST&APA) was established by Department of Defense (DOD) directive 5154.4, June 18, 1952, under Munitions Board policy direction and Department of the Army management, to procure textiles, apparel, footwear, and related items for all three services. The ASTAPA was terminated, effective October 31, 1953, by directive 4115.25, DOD, September 24, 1953, pursuant to Section 648 of DOD Appropriations Act of 1954 (67 Stat. 358), August 1, 1953, denying operating funds to ASTAPA; and to an interservice agreement on procurement coordination under general supervision of Assistant Secretary of the Army (Materiel), September 11, 1953.


  • ICAF Lectures. Pub. No. L53-77. p. 7, L54-66, L55-80. p.11, L55-85, L55-99, L56-93. p. 13, L56-95. p.12.