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The NWU parka fleece liner is an insulation component designed to be worn with the NWU parka and provide extra protection during cold weather conditions. When worn with the parka, it shall be attached to the parka shell via inside front slide fastener and sleeves inserted in the arm openings and secured by snap attachment assembly tab located at the inside bottom of each sleeve. The liner may be optionally worn as a stand-alone outer garment over the NWU shirt.

The NWU parka is intended for use by US Navy personnel when weather conditions dictate and as the outer layer protection when used during cold/wet weather operations.

The NWU Gore-Tex trousers are the Navy version of APECS trousers.

Purchase description NCTRF PD 04-09 covers the requirements for the US Navy working uniform parka in desert and woodland camouflage.

Purchase description NCTRF PD 06-11 covers requirements for camouflage, waterproof and moisture vapor permeable cloths with Anchor, Constitution, and Eagle (ACE) printed logo.

Purchase description covers the requirements for the US Navy working uniform boonie cap in desert and woodland camouflage.

Purchase description NCTRF PD 15-06 covers a waterproof, moisture-vapor-permeable parka that accepts a zip-in liner for use by US Navy personnel.

Performance specification MIL-PRF-32142 covers the requirements for a waterproof, windproof, and moisture vapor permeable camouflage printed cloth which is intended for use in the fabrication of APECS parkas and trousers.