ATTP 3-18.12: Air Assault Operations
ATTP 3-18.12 describes how brigade combat teams (BCTs) and combat aviation brigades (CABs) plan, prepare, and conduct air assault operations. It emphasizes the coordination necessary between these organizations in regards to the planning, preparation, and tactical employment of both elements.
ATTP 3-21.50: Infantry Small-Unit Mountain Operations
ATTP 3-21.50 provides perspective on Infantry company missions in an operational environment characterized by high-altitudes, rapidly changing climatic conditions, and rugged terrain.It also provides the small-unit leader with guidance on how company-sized units and below can conduct these operations.The mountain environment challenges all warfighting functions. Infantry units are full spectrum organizations, not specifically designed for mountain terrain but are well-suited for mountain operations.Successful units combine the basic doctrine described in FM 3-21.10 and augment with specialized equipment and predeployment training.The tactics and techniques specific to conducting operations in mountain terrain provide added operational capability.Table 6-3 in this manual depicts where Soldiers may obtain specialized mountaineering and cold weather operational skills.
ATTP 3-34.39: Camouflage, Concealment, and Decoys
ATTP 3-34.39/MCRP 3-17.6A is intended to help company-level leaders understand the principles and techniques of camouflage, concealment, and decoys (CCD).To remain viable, all units must apply CCD to personnel and equipment.Ignoring a threat's ability to detect friendly operations on the battlefield is shortsighted and dangerous.Friendly units enhance their survivability capabilities if they are well versed in CCD principles and techniques.
ATTP 3-97.11: Cold Region Operations
The purpose of ATTP 3-97.11/MCRP 3-35.1D is to arm leaders, Soldiers, and Marines with the necessary knowledge on how to operate in cold region environments.The information contained in this manual applies to all Soldiers and Marines, regardless of rank or job specialty. This manual is designed to work with and complement FM 3-97.6, Mountain Operations, and FM 3-97.61, Military Mountaineering.This manual will enable leaders, Soldiers, and Marines to accurately describe cold region environments, their effects on military equipment, impacts these environments have on personnel, and most importantly, how to employ the elements of combat power in cold region environments.