USMC Pack System

The USMC pack system is specifically intended to provide the Marine with a load carriage system that fully integrates with currently fielded body armor systems.
Assault Pack

The Assault Pack of the USMC Pack system has an approximate internal volume of 1525 cubic inches in the main compartment and 300 cubic inches in the front pocket. The Main Pack and Assault Pack components are capable of carrying a maximum combined load of 120 pounds.
Main Pack

The Main Pack of the USMC Pack system has an approximate internal volume of 3400 cubic inches in the main compartment and 1600 cubic inches in the lower compartment. The Main Pack and Assault Pack components are capable of carrying a maximum combined load of 120 pounds.

The USMC sub-belt integrates with Family of Individual Load Bearing Equipment components without causing interference and allows individual equipment items to be securely attached via Pouch Attachment Ladder System (PALS).