Family of Improved Load Bearing Equipment

Family of Improved Load Bearing Equipment (FILBE) utilized by the United States Marine Corps is designed to allow Marines to carry equipment needed in support of combat operations. The load bearing erquipment system is modular in order to meet the unique needs of the warfighter. The system will maximize the ability to carry combat loads efficiently, minimize the burdens of weight, improve overall system compatibility and increase the combat effectiveness of the user.
USMC Chest Rig

The USMC Chest Rig is a Marine Corps specific modified version of the U.S. Army's Tactical Assault Panel.
Corpsman Assault Pack

The Corpsman Assault Pack (CAP) is an improved design to replace the previously fielded MOLLE Medical Bag.
Corpsman Assault System

The Corpsman Assault System (CAS) is specifically intended to provide the Corpsman with a load carriage system that fully integrates with the USMC Pack and currently fielded body armor systems.
Marine Corps Grenadier Set

The Grenadier Set is a suite of three 40mm grenade pouches and one 40mm Grenade Multi-Round System (GMRS) to support the standard combat load for a Marine grenadier. The pouches are Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) and are part of the Family of Individual Load Bearing Equipment.
USMC Pack System

The USMC pack system is specifically intended to provide the Marine with a load carriage system that fully integrates with currently fielded body armor systems.
Marine Corps Equipment Pouches

As a critical element of the Marine's individual load,the ILBE pouches provides a stable platform for thecarriage of equipment and supplies needed across thespectrum of individual and unit operations. The ILBEpouches are a series of robust, specialized pouchescapable of carrying the basic ammunition loadrequired to support and sustain the individual Marineduring combat operations.
Marine Corps Stuff Sack

After Action Reports from Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom demonstrated a compelling need to provide a waterproof bag to protect personal gear from the elements, rain, sand, snow, and moisture. The Marine Corps Stuff Sack will provide Marines a better method of waterproofing and sorting their personal gear stored inside the ILBE packs.
Waterproofing Bag Insert

The purpose of the waterproofing bag insert/liner (WPI) is to keep clothing and equipment dry when the ILBE main/assault pack is exposed to prolonged rain or water submersion during field use.
Assault Pack

The Assault Pack of the USMC Pack system has an approximate internal volume of 1525 cubic inches in the main compartment and 300 cubic inches in the front pocket. The Main Pack and Assault Pack components are capable of carrying a maximum combined load of 120 pounds.
Main Pack

The Main Pack of the USMC Pack system has an approximate internal volume of 3400 cubic inches in the main compartment and 1600 cubic inches in the lower compartment. The Main Pack and Assault Pack components are capable of carrying a maximum combined load of 120 pounds.

The USMC sub-belt integrates with Family of Individual Load Bearing Equipment components without causing interference and allows individual equipment items to be securely attached via Pouch Attachment Ladder System (PALS).