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Deltoid Axillary Protector

The Deltoid Axillary Protector (DAP) (or Deltoid Axillary Protection System, DAPS) was developed in response to the improvised explosive device (IED) threats that soldiers face in Iraq. Unlike conventional threats, which usually come from the front, back, or above, IEDs throw shrapnel and spall at soldiers from below and from the sides. DAP enables soldiers to cover shoulder and upper arm areas as well as the armpit and underarm. The original Interceptor body armor design is open around the arms to allow air to circulate.

DAP deltoid protectorDAP deltoid protector interiorDAP axillary protectorDAP axillary protector interiorDAPS assembly instructionsDAPS assembly instructions (cont.)D.A.P.S. Assembly Instructions by Point Blank Body Armor, Inc.


DAP consists of two ambidextrous modular components:

  • the deltoid (upper arm) protector assembly, and
  • the axillary (underarm) protector assembly.

Each assembly consists of a soft ballistic insert and a outershell component.

The deltoid protector attaches at the shoulder of the outer tactical vest (OTV) and is secured around the wearer's arm with a strap.

The deltoid protector is interchangeable with the deltoid protector for the improved outer tactical vest.

The axillary protector is worn under the OTV and is attached to the underside of the shoulder portion of the OTV and to the interior adjustment strap on the lower side of the OTV.

The DAP provides the same level of protection as the OTV. They are issued as an assembly of two each deltoid and axillary protectors.


  • CO/PD 07-10


  • DAP complete, one size; LIN: D89418
    • Woodland: 8470-01-520-7357
      • deltoid assembly: 8470-01-520-7355
        • outershell: 8470-01-520-7350
        • insert: 8470-01-520-7349
      • axillary assembly:
        • outershell: 8470-01-520-7443
        • insert: 8470-01-520-7348
    • Desert: 8470-01-520-7209 [pdf]
      • deltoid assembly: 8470-01-520-7446
        • outershell: 8470-01-520-7207
        • insert: 8470-01-520-7193
      • axillary assembly: 8470-01-520-7186
        • outershell: 8470-01-520-7448
        • insert: 8470-01-520-7445
    • UCP: 8470-01-526-9163
      • deltoid assembly: 8470-01-526-9667
        • outershell: 8470-01-526-9657
        • insert:
      • axillary assembly: 8470-01-526-9654
        • outershell: 8470-01-526-9643
        • insert: 8470-01-520-7450

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