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Line Item Number

The Line Item Number (LIN) is a six-character alphanumeric identification of the generic nomenclature assigned to identify nonexpendable and type classified expendable or durable items of equipment during their life cycle authorization and supply management.

The three types of LINs are discussed below, and will not be recycled for new/different equipment (acquisition programs) from their original intent.

Developmental line item numbers

Developmental LINs are alphanumeric LINs consisting of the letter Z and five numerals ranging from Z00001 through Z99999. They are assigned to items being developed under HQDA-approved materiel development projects, prior to the type classified standard. They are listed in SB 700-20. Developmental line item numbers may be documented in TOE, MTOE, TDA, and CTA, but must be type classified per AR 700-142.

Standard line item number

Standard line item numbers (SLINs) are alphanumeric LINs consisting of one letter and five numbers ranging from A00001 through Y99999 (except alpha I and O). They are used to identify all national stock numbered nonexpendable and type classified expendable or durable items. The items must have the functional capability described by the generic nomenclature, and be identified for inclusion in TOE and authorization by MTOEs TDA, JTA, or CTA. SLINs are reflected in SB 700-20.

Nonstandard line item number

Nonstandard line item numbers (NSLINs) are alphanumeric LINs consisting of five numeric characters followed by one alpha character and from 00001A through 99999Z. They are used to identify nonexpendable items with functional capability expressed by the generic nomenclature and to authorize items not eligible for a SLIN.

Alphas ending in "N" and "R" are reserved for use in CTA. They are recorded in the CTA and in the SLAMIS NSLIN Master Catalog.
