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TM 10-8470-208-10: Operator Manual for Improved Outer Tactical Vest (IOTV) and Improved Outer Tactical Vest Gen II (IOTV Gen II), a Part of the Interceptor Body Armor System

Technical manual 10-8470-208-10 provides operator instructions for the Improved Outer Tactical Vest (IOTV), IOTV Gen II, Enhanced Small Arms Protective Insert, Enhanced Side Ballistic Inserts, and ancillary equipment of the Interceptor Body Armor system.


  • 2011-07-31: Change No. 1 [pdf]
  • 2011-03-20: Preventive Maintanance Checklist for IOTV and IOTV Gen II [pdf]
  • 2010-03-01: [pdf], Preventive Maintanance Checklist for IOTV and IOTV Gen II [pdf]