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All-purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment

The LINCLOE LCE was adopted as Standard A on 17 January 1973 with M-1972 designation to replace M-1956 and M-1967 systems. The designation was changed after its adoption to All-Purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment.[1]


ALICE system is made up of components for the fighting load and additional components for the existence load. These components can be used in all environments - hot, temperate, cold-wet regions, and even in cold-dry arctic regions.

The fighting load equipment consists of the following items:

ALICE fighting load equipment
  1. Individual Equipment Belt
    • MIL-B-43826
    • Medium: 8465-00-001-6488
    • Large: 8465-00-001-6487
  2. Small Arms Ammunition Case (30-rd mag)
  3. Individual Equipment Belt Suspenders
  4. Plastic Intrenching Tool Carrier
  5. Canteen Cover
  6. First Aid Dressing/Unmounted Magnetic Compass Case

The existence load equipment consists of the following items:

ALICE existence load equipment
  1. Pack Frame
  2. Lower Back Strap
  3. Waist Strap
    • MIL-S-43835
  4. Shoulder Strap without Quick Release
    • MIL-S-43835
  5. Shoulder Strap with Quick Release
    • MIL-S-43835
  6. Cargo Support Shelf
    • Item 2 of MIL-F-43834
  7. Cargo Strap
  8. Medium Combat Field Pack
  9. Large Combat Field Pack
  10. Field Pack Cover




  • Johnson, Richard F. Anthropometry of the Clothed US Army Ground Troop and Combat Vehicle Crewman, 1984. [pdf]
  • Nelson, Richard C.; Martin, Philip E. Effects of Gender, Load, and Backpack on Easy Standing and Vertical Jump Performance, Volume II, 1982. [pdf]


  1. Metzger, Eldon C. (July 1975). History of the Development of the LINCLOE Loadcarrying Equipment. Natick, MA: United States Army Natick Devekopment Center. [pdf]