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FM 31-70: Basic Cold Weather Manual

Field manual 31-70 is designed to prepare the individual soldier and small unit commander to conduct military operations for extended periods of time under the most severe and varying cold weather climatic conditions. The doctrine and techniques in the manual are applicable in any area that has cold weather and snow with their accompanying operational problems. Troops properly trained in this doctrine and these techniques will be able to fight; live; and move in any cold weather area of the world.


  • 2011-01-28: ATTP 3-97.11/MCRP 3-35.1D supersedes FM 31-70, dated 12 April 1968, and FM 31-71, dated 21 June 1971.
  • 1968-12-17: Change No. 1 [pdf]
  • 1968-04-12: [HathiTrust][GoogleBooks]
  • 1963-01-15: Change No. 1
  • 1959-02-24: This revision supersedes FM 31-73, Skiing and Snowshoeing, 30 September 1957, too.[kindle(promotional)]
  • 1952-12-15: Change No. 1
  • 1951-10-26: This manual, Basic Arctic Manual, together with FM 31-71, Operations in the Arctic, 26 October 1951, and FM 31-72, Administration in the Arctic, 26 October 1951, supersedes FM 70-15, 4 November 1944.
  • 1951-02: Draft, Basic Arctic Manual
  • 1949-03: Draft, Arctic Operations