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The 1948 4-color camouflage pattern was originally designed in 1948 at the Engineer Research and Development Laboratory (ERDL). Subsequently, it was translated to fabric under guidance by the QM Research and Development Command and type classified in 1966 as the US Army 1948 camouflage pattern, also directed toward minimizing sniper scope detection.

The name which is selected (approved by the Directorate of Logistics Information Management, DLIS, as the Official designation for an item of supply), and delimited wherenecessary, to establish a basic concept of the item of supply to which the item belongs and with which it should be compared.It may be a basic name, or a basic name followed by those modifiers necessary to differentiate between item concepts having the same basic name.

The Marine Corps recognizes the operational requirement to move away from the one-size-fits-all approach in dealing with ballistic protection.

The Armed Services Textile and Apparel Procurement Agency (ASTAPA, AST&APA) was established by Department of Defense (DOD) directive 5154.4, June 18, 1952, under Munitions Board policy direction and Department of the Army management, to procure textiles, apparel, footwear, and related items for all three services.The ASTAPA was terminated, effective October 31, 1953, by directive 4115.25, DOD, September 24, 1953, pursuant to Section 648 of DOD Appropriations Act of 1954 (67 Stat. 358), August 1, 1953, denying operating funds to ASTAPA; and to an interservice agreement on procurement coordination under general supervision of Assistant Secretary of the Army (Materiel), September 11, 1953.

A Commericial Item Description (CID) describes by functional or performance charasteristics an acceptable commercially available product that will satisfy the government's needs.

The Defense Logistics Agency provides the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, other federal agencies and partner nation armed forces with a full spectrum of logistics, acquisition and technical services.

The Defense Supply Agency (DSA) was established on Oct. 1, 1961, and began operations on Jan. 1, 1962. On Jan. 1, 1977, the name of the Defense Supply Agency was changed to the Defense Logistics Agency.

A detail specification specifies design requirements, such as materials to be used, how a requirement is to be achieved, or how an item is to be fabricated or constructed.

The Enanced Hot Weather Battle Dress Uniform (EHWBDU) is made of 50 percent nylon and 50 percent cotton ripstop poplin instead of 100 percent cotton ripstop poplin of the Hot Weather Battle Dress Uniform (HWBDU).Other changes include fused collar and pocket tabs, removal of bellows on one side of the lower pocket, removal of waist tab, waist suppressed 3 inches, and removal of knee pleats.

US Patent #4654896 [Google Patent]

Item Designator Number (IDN) is used to control the item subsystem and referred to for reportable items only.

The Line Item Number (LIN) is a six-character alphanumeric identification of the generic nomenclature assigned to identify nonexpendable and type classified expendable or durable items of equipment during their life cycle authorization and supply management.

In 2002, the Marine Corps developed a new pixelated camouflage pattern for use in utility uniforms.

The Management Control Number (MCN) is a 13-character number similar to the national stock number except for the alpha code in the seventh position, which represents the major Army command or activity that made the assignment. Characters 8 through 13 will be assigned in ascending serial sequence independent of the federal supply classification (FSC). Activities assigning MCNs should ensure that the proper FSC is used for each item.

The Military Clothing and Textile Supply Agency (MC&TSA) was a single-manager agency for clothing and textile. On 1 July 1956, MC&TSA was established as a class II activity under the jurisdiction of the Quartermaster General, with headquarters at the Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot, a class II installation under the jurisdiction of the Quartermaster General. On 1 January 1962, it was discontinued and absorbed into the Defense Supply Agency as the Defense Clothing and Textile Supply Center.

The National Stock Number consists of a four-digit Federal Supply Classification (FSC) code number plus a nine-digit National Item Identification Number (NIIN).

The New York Quartermaster Procurement Agency was initially intended to serve two purposes. It was to succeed the Philadelphia Depot as the main center for the procurement of Army clothing and textiles, and it was to serve also as a testing ground for collaborative procurement of these items by both Army and Navy.

The Operation Enduring Freedom Camouflage Pattern had been referred to as OCP since it was adopted in 2010 till the U.S. Army announced the release of the new Operational Camouflage Pattern replacing the Universal Camouflage Pattern in 2015.

On February 19, 2010, the Department of Defense formally announced the selection of MultiCam for Soldiers deployed to Afghanistan as part of Operation Enduring Freedom.

A statement outlining the essential characteristics and functions of an item, service, or materiel required to meet the minimum needs of the Government.It is used when a specification is not available or when specific procurement specifications are not required by the individual Military Departments or the Department of Defense.

Product Group Code (PGC) is a five digit code that is used by DSCP to identify all NSNs that belong to a specific garment family or commodity, e.g., all sizes of shirts made from the same fabric and style are assigned to a single PGC.

In 1926 the Schuylkill Arsenal was renamed the Philadelphia Quartermaster Depot.

A performance specification states requirements in terms of the required results with criteria for verifying compliance, but without stating the methods for achieving the required results.

Quarpel is a durable water-repellent and oil-resistant treatment for textiles developed at the Quartermaster Research and Development Laboratories in 1959.

Special Operations Forces Personal Equipment Advanced Requirements (SPEAR) is the United States Special Operations Command's (USSOCOM) modernization effort for the joint (Army, Navy, and Air Force) Special Operations Forces (SOF) operator. SPEAR focuses on four areas of improvement in personal equipment.These four areas produce a modular equipment system whichfocuses on mission tailoring, enhanced survivability, andenhanced mobility while reducing weight, bulk and heat stress.

Every item of equipment listed in Table of Authorized Material (TAM) has a specificalphanumeric number known as a TAM Control Number (TAMCN) (NAVMC 1017), which is used to identify a specific item within the Marine Corps inventory.The TAMCN is also used in the table of equipment (T/E).

The temperate battle dress uniform (BDU) was introduced as the Army's field and garrison uniform on 1 October 1981. The temperate BDU has a woodland camouflage pattern, infrared reflection, and reinforced elbows, knees, and seat in a 50-50 cotton-nylon fabric. The temperate BDU is part of the Army's battle dress system (BDS), which includes four camouflage subsystems allowing the Army to operate in temperate, desert, tropical, and arctic environments.

To provide a desert uniform with enhanced camouflage, the Army, in October 1990, adopted a new three-color desert camouflage pattern BDU to replace the six-color pattern.

Universal Camouflage Pattern - Delta (UCP-D) is a variant of the UCP that adds the Coyote Brown color and uses less of the lighter sand and gray colors than in the UCP. Preliminary research by the U.S. Army’s Natick Soldier Systems Center indicates that UCP-D provides improved performance over standard UCP in woodland environments, even when paired with OCIE in the standard UCP.

Universal Camouflage Pattern (UCP) was chosen when the Army Combat Uniform was introduced in June 2004.

A 60-percent expansion of the 1948 4-color pattern was adopted for the Woodland pattern in order to extend the range of camouflage effectiveness as far toward 350 meters as possible.