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Table of Authorized Material Control Number

Every item of equipment listed in Table of Authorized Material (TAM) has a specific alphanumeric number known as a TAM Control Number (TAMCN) (NAVMC 1017), which is used to identify a specific item within the Marine Corps inventory. The TAMCN is also used in the table of equipment (T/E).

The TAMCN consists of

  • commodity designator: A-E (Type 1, "mandatory"), H-N (Type 2 "as required"), T-X (Type 3)
    • Communications-Electronics: A, H, T
    • Engineer: B, J, U
    • General Supply: C, K, V
    • Motor Transport: D, M, W
    • Ordnance: E, N, X
    • HQMC: F, G, Q, R, Y, Z
    • Not used: I, L, O
    • other
      • Subsitance: S
      • Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants: P
  • item designator: 4-digit number
  • class of supply
    • major: numeric, roman or arabic
      • I: Subsistence
      • II: Organizational Equipment and Supplies
      • III: Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricants
      • IV: Construction (no subclass)
      • V: Ammunition
      • VI: Personal Demand Items (no subclass)
      • VII: Major End Items
      • VIII: Medical (no subclass)
      • IX: Repair Parts
      • X: Materiel to Support Nonmilitary Programs (no subclass)
    • sub:
      • A: Air
      • B: Ground Support Materiel
      • C: Combat Rations
      • D: Administrative Vehicles
      • E: General Supplies
      • F: Clothing and Textiles
      • G: Electronics
      • K: Tactical Vehicles
      • L: Missiles
      • W: Weapons
      • N: Special Weapons
      • R: Refrigerated Subsistence
      • S: Nonrefrigrated Subsistence (Less Combat Rations)
      • T: Industrial Supplies
      • W: Ground (Surface)

